GeoInsights Ad Hoc
Indicators that we build with you
In 4 steps, quickly get your custom indicators
Define the indicators/segments you are interested in.
Through our partners, we survey over 15,000 representative French people across the entire country.
Using our algorithms combining Geostatistics and Machine Learning, we model your indicators/segments on over 50 million French people and down to the neighborhood level (Iris).
Your indicators/segments are uploaded and become accessible to your team on the ShoWhere online platform. Their integration into your tools is possible through our ShoWhere Activation services.
Yes answer - Intentional bank switchers segment
If you find France too large, we also have more regional solutions…
Contact usShoWhere
Contact us to participate in the next ShoWhere omnibus survey
ShoWhere regularly launches omnibus surveys to share data acquisition costs and allow you to ask as many questions as you like at a lower cost.
Contact usWith GeoInsights Ad Hoc, create key indicators for your business
Regardless of your sector, ask the questions you want. Here are some examples of questions asked by our clients:
Do you consume organic products?
- Every day
- At least once a week
- At least once a month
- Less often
- Never
In the next 6 months, do you intend to buy a new car?
- Yes
- No
What are your favorite ready-to-wear brands?
- Cache Cache
- Celio
- etc.
Yes answer - Intentional movers segment
Through our partners, we can also support you in drafting the questions.