GeoInsights Catalogue

Hundreds of indicators available immediately

Behaviors, interests, purchase intentions, etc.

By surveying over 20,000 representative French individuals* and analyzing their responses using algorithms that combine Geostatistics and Machine Learning, we offer a catalogue of several hundred local indicators, unique in the market, across more than 10 themes.

* The respondents are representative of the French population in terms of gender, age (18-75 years old), socio-professional category, and region of residence.

Browse the list of indicators. There are definitely several that will interest you.

Icon Profil
Icon Comportement
Icon Touchpoint
Icon Logement
Icon Mobilité
Icon Banque/Assurance
Icon Food
Icon Santé
Icon Bien-être
Icon Mode
Icon Sport
Icon Médias

After ordering indicators, find them in the indicators catalogue on our online platform

Carte indicateur ShoWhere
  • Quickly visualize target indicators at different scales: IRIS or Grouped Statistical Information Areas, municipalities, departments, regions.
  • Create, manage, and obtain aggregated results for your areas of interest: catchment areas, customer catchment areas, distribution zones, etc.
  • Cross-reference target indicators with all other indicators (profile, media, etc.), across France or within your areas of interest.
  • Export indicators and results to integrate them into your work environment (Excel, GIS, media planning tools, etc.).

Contact us to specify your choice of indicators

Once your choice of indicators is known, we will create your account on the ShoWhere platform. You will instantly benefit from your indicators. And with ShoWhere Activation services, you can further enhance their utilization.

Wish to know more?

Contact us